Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Launching

Here we go… I am now officially a blogger. The reason I haven’t written yet (since Eliza showed me how to do it over a month ago) is because absolutely nothing interesting happens to me that any of you would want to know about. However, I do have a pretty picture to share. Last weekend I put up my very own Christmas tree for the first time. I have a small house, so it is a small tree. I love it and think it turned out beautifully! It will be even better when I don’t have projects and papers strewn all over my living room. This coming week is finals and I hope to take some
time soon after they are over and put my house right-side-up again. So, here it is, my very own Christmas tree! (By the way, the picture is not stretched, it is a "slim" tree.

1 comment:

Jerry and Adrienne said...

I love the tree! It's so cute. You should come see ours.