Saturday, January 31, 2009

End of Official Classes

My last two classes for the Elementary Education Program are now finished! It was brutal going all afternoon-everyday for three weeks but we all survived. Monday (Jan 26) was the last day (finals) and since then I have been trying to relax and get ready for student teaching. When I woke up before my alarm on Tuesday I couldn't go back to sleep because I suddenly realized that I was done! I don't have to take any more finals or sit through any more lectures and power points! It has been a great week. I have just been going to the elementary school until noon and then cleaning, playing, preparing, and relaxing the rest of the day. These next eleven weeks will be hard, but I know I will survive them, too.


Deneille said...

Yay...we are almost finished! I am really looking forward to student teaching, but I am also happy that we shouldn't have anymore Powerpoints to sit through :)

Ben said...

Soon I can join the elite "graduated" club, can't wait for the day!